Configure Tally features using XML

This post provides information on how to programmatically enable/disable the Company Features [F11] in Tally using XML tags.

PS: Ensure that Company name in the code below matches your Tally company Name.

        <REPORTNAME>All Masters</REPORTNAME>
        <TALLYMESSAGE xmlns:UDF="TallyUDF">

          <!-- TO DO: Specify the company Name as it appears in Tally -->
          <COMPANY NAME="DEMO" ACTION="Alter">
            <!--  enable Maintain Multiple Godown -->
            <!--  enable Use Debit/Credit Notes -->
            <!--  enable Use Invoice mode for Credit Notes -->
            <!--  enable Use Invoice mode for Debit notes -->
            <!--  enable Use 0 valued entries in vouchers -->

F11 [Other features]

Section Tally Features [F11] XML Tag-Name
Company Integrate Accounts & Inventory <ISINTEGRATED>
Allow multi-currency <ISMULTICURRENCYON>
Allow Invoicing <ISINVOICINGON>
Enter purchases in Invoice format <PURCASINVOICE>
Separate Discount column on Invoices <ISDISCOUNTSON>
Enable Service Tax <ISSERVICETAXON>
Maintain Budgets & Controls <ISBUDGETSON>
Allow 0 valued entries in vouchers <USEZEROENTRIES>
Allow Purchase order processing <ISPURCORDERSON>
Allow Sales Order processing <ISSALESORDERSON>
  • This page contains technical information which is useful for developers / programmers and NOT for end-users.
  • End-users who wish to import data from Excel to Tally are requested to download and use udiMagic.